September Working Groups Meetings

The National Society Capacity Exchange and Enhancement Platform Project has components that consist of enabling the partner National Societies: The Turkish Red Crescent, the British Red Cross, the Bulgarian Red Cross, Red Cross Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina to work together in order to improve the organisational capacity, share innovative best practices, increase the efforts of networking, and enable on the job training.


The National Society Capacity Exchange and Enhancement Platform Project Cash and Protection Working Group Meetings were conducted on:


Protection Working Group: 27.09.2021

Cash Working Group: 29.09.2021


In September's meetings, the partners continued the presentation and knowledge-sharing phase of the Working Groups. Due to the global Covid-19 pandemic and as part of the project's mitigation strategy, the working group meetings continued online.


The Red Cross Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina's protection experts explicated activities through a comprehensive presentation in the Protection Working Group Meeting.  


In the Cash Working Group Meeting, both the Bulgarian Red Cross and the British Red Cross presented their cash modalities. The Bulgarian Red Cross were held the entire process of cash activities where the British Red Cross highlighted the progress of its domestic operations. 


Both presentations were followed by the Questions&Answers session, where the technical discussions were held. After a comprehensive debate, the project partners concluded the working group meetings with their farewell notes thanking the partner National Societies and participants for their active participation.