July Working Groups Meetings


The National Society Capacity Exchange and Enhancement Platform Project has components that consist of enabling the partner National Societies: The Turkish Red Crescent, the British Red Cross, the Bulgarian Red Cross, Red Cross Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina to work together in order to improve the organisational capacity, share innovative best practices, increase the efforts of networking, and enable on-the-job training.



The National Society Capacity Exchange and Enhancement Platform Project Cash and Protection Working Group Meetings were conducted on:




Protection Working Group: 28.07.2021



Cash Working Group: 30.07.2021






In July's meetings, the partners started the presentation and knowledge sharing phase of the Working Groups. Due to the global Covid-19 pandemic and as part of the project's mitigation strategy, the working group meetings continued online.




The Turkish Red Crescent took the lead in the presentation order in both the Cash and Protection Working Groups. 




In the Protection Working Group, Ms. Damla Çalık, Ms. Rabia Tuba Yıldız and Ms. Kübra Divleli present the information regarding the Turkish Red Crescent protection activities that included Community Based Migration Programmes, Child Programmes and Restoring Family Link Activities.




In the Cash Working Group Meeting, Ms. Edvina Bihorac and Mr. Çağrı Zincirlioğlu conduct the presentation with reference to the world's biggest Cash Programme, KızılayKart.




Both presentations were followed by the Questions&Answers session, where the technical discussions were held. After an extensive debate, the project partners jointly concluded the Working Group meetings with their farewell notes thanking the partners and participants for their numerous participation.